Отзывы покупателей о возможности совершения покупок в американских Интернет-магазинах и возможности доставки на склад почтового посредника (мейлфорвардера, МФ, форвардера посылок) Шипито в г.Торрэнс, Калифорния, США
Магазин | Доставка | Дата | Комментарий |
23andme.com | ДА | December 10, 2010 | All is OK |
6pm.com | ДА | September 30, 2010 | Отправили без вопросов. Ни звонить, ни писать не потребовалось. Отправлял через UPS. |
6pm.com | ДА | September 29, 2010 | Отправили, но пришлось звонить по скайпу и говорить адреса билинга и шипито, получилось бесплатно, т.к. бесплатный номер. |
6pm.com | ДА | September 11, 2010 | No problem |
6pm.com | ДА | October 21, 2010 | ok |
6pm.com | ДА | October 18, 2011 | No problem with shipping |
6pm.com | ДА | October 18, 2010 | No Issues. |
6pm.com | ДА | October 13, 2010 | all fine |
6pm.com | ДА | November 08, 2010 | Если карточка русская, то в billing address надо ставить штат AA, zip 99999 |
6pm.com | ДА | May 24, 2010 | Ships without problems |
6pm.com | ДА | May 22, 2010 | 6pm shipp at shipito |
6pm.com | ДА | May 21, 2010 | Delivery by USPS during 2-4 days. |
6pm.com | ДА | May 11, 2011 | No problem |
6pm.com | ДА | June 24, 2010 | Without problem |
6pm.com | ДА | June 23, 2010 | No problem with orders, which paid cards with russian billing. |
6pm.com | НЕТ | June 21, 2010 | impossible to put the credit card information because of only us states |
6pm.com | ДА | June 11, 2010 | ship |
6pm.com | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
6pm.com | ДА | July 13, 2010 | 2 orders, No problem. Billing adress вместо штата - АА, индекс - девятки, адрес - свой с городом через пробел. Хотя первый заказ указала биллинг тот же, что шиппинг - всё равно прошло нормально. |
6pm.com | ДА | July 08, 2010 | Дешевая бредовая одежда. |
6pm.com | ДА | July 06, 2011 | Shipping without any problems |
6pm.com | ДА | February 02, 2011 | No problem, russian bank card. |
6pm.com | ДА | December 11, 2011 | No problems |
6pm.com | ДА | December 11, 2010 | все без проблем |
6pm.com | ДА | August 05, 2010 | UPS only. |
A&F | НЕТ | October 18, 2011 | does not send to mediators |
abercrombie | НЕТ | May 25, 2010 | can you do something about this? |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | September 28, 2010 | No shipping to torrance |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | October 16, 2010 | The orders can be placed with the virtual adress but come back with a refusal after a while. |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | May 30, 2010 | Order cancellation within 4 hours |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | May 26, 2010 | against their policy to ship to third party freight companies |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | May 24, 2011 | My order was Canceled. Because the Billing Address is not in USA. |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | May 21, 2010 | They don't ship to mail forwarders. |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | June 03, 2010 | They dont ship to torrance location. |
abercrombie.com | НЕТ | July 09, 2010 | Address is banned |
abercrombie.com | ДА | December 01, 2011 | No problem |
abercrombie.copm | ДА | May 19, 2011 | No problem. Pay with Brazilian PayPal Account. Delivered OK! |
abesofmaine.com | ДА | September 11, 2010 | No problem |
achildscloset.com | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
adagio.com | ДА | October 14, 2010 | No problem |
adorama.com | ДА | November 21, 2010 | Всё прошло с первого раза, покупка на 800 USD |
ae.com | ДА | September 21, 2011 | После звонка в АЕ отправили-таки... |
ae.com | НЕТ | May 24, 2011 | They said they don't ship to this address anymore due to problems in the past |
ae.com | НЕТ | June 21, 2010 | Shop does not accept credit cards from Ukraine |
ae.com | ДА | December 10, 2010 | Приняли русскую карту.Отправлял на Шапито и в РФ без проблем. |
ae.com | ДА | December 09, 2010 | No problem |
aeropostale | ДА | December 09, 2010 | accept only USA ip and card |
aeropostale.com | ДА | May 24, 2011 | No problem. Accepted a PayPal account with Brazilian billing. |
aimtofind.com | ДА | October 13, 2010 | accept international cc |
aj wholesale | ДА | July 09, 2010 | by amazon.com |
aldoshoes.com | ДА | June 07, 2010 | Works |
Altrec.com | ДА | October 25, 2010 | In e-mail said that shipped by UPS and gave link on them, but sent by FedEx. Delivered in time. |
Altrec.com | ДА | March 13, 2011 | Use US IP adress for making order! Shipping&Billing Shpt. Кто надумает там заказывать,используйте американский АйПи!Иначе,ваша корзина будет бесконечно пуста!Сделал заказюРазбился на 2 посылки.Деньги заблокировались.После 1й посылки снова заблокировали деньги за 1ю часть,потом за 2ю!Такой у них порядок.Первую блокировку обьяснили проверкой наличия ден средств.И якобы любая авторизация снимается через 4-5 дней.Ага!Только в РФ это 30 дней строго)).Заказ пришел быстро.А денежки будем ждать дальше))ПРосили прислать факс в банк об отказе от 1й блокировки.Отказали.Письма мол хватит.Увы(( Короче.Имейте 200% средств,что б не влезть впросак. Такого я более нигде не встречал. Чудеса прям! |
altrec.com | ДА | June 27, 2011 | Very simple |
Altrec.com | ДА | February 19, 2011 | Prompt delivery. No probs. |
altrec.com | ДА | December 09, 2010 | The package has shipped |
aluratek.com | ДА | August 23, 2010 | shipped. Used Torrance as billing address |
amazon.com | ДА | September 18, 2010 | тоже заказал Kindle 3, все ок |
amazon.com | ДА | September 18, 2010 | Отправили Kindle 3 без проблемю Через сутки уже пришёл на почтовый ящик. Амазону без разницы биллинговый адрес. можно писать туда и американский из шипито. |
amazon.com | ДА | September 16, 2010 | iPod touch |
amazon.com | ДА | September 09, 2010 | Accepts international credit cards and IP addresses |
amazon.com | ДА | September 05, 2011 | Many items bought and delivered from amazon |
amazon.com | ДА | September 04, 2010 | PayPal, VISA без проблем, доставка в шипито быстро и без проблем! |
amazon.com | ДА | September 03, 2010 | No problem. |
amazon.com | ДА | October 31, 2011 | cool |
amazon.com | ДА | October 31, 2010 | Российская visa отлично работает с Амазоном и доставкой на этот американский адрес |
amazon.com | ДА | October 25, 2010 | Shipped. Boots EMU. |
amazon.com | ДА | October 18, 2011 | No problems with shipping |
amazon.com | ДА | October 14, 2010 | No issues. |
amazon.com | ДА | October 12, 2011 | No probs |
amazon.com | ДА | October 07, 2010 | No problem |
amazon.com | ДА | November 17, 2010 | All right |
amazon.com | ДА | November 02, 2010 | Fast shipping with Amazon Prime. |
amazon.com | ДА | May 30, 2010 | ok |
amazon.com | ДА | May 26, 2010 | ships |
amazon.com | ДА | May 20, 2010 | No problems |
amazon.com | ДА | May 11, 2011 | accepts international credit cards! |
amazon.com | ДА | March 09, 2012 | No problems |
amazon.com | ДА | March 08, 2011 | Both Amazon itself and several sellers from Amazon Marketplace ship here without any problems. Paid with Russian debit Mastercard. |
amazon.com | ДА | March 08, 2011 | Ships . Accepts international credit cards and IP |
amazon.com | ДА | March 03, 2011 | Ordered for 8 times. All is OK |
amazon.com | ДА | June 25, 2010 | No problem |
amazon.com | ДА | June 23, 2010 | All ok ) |
amazon.com | ДА | June 14, 2010 | recorders |
amazon.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | works perfect |
amazon.com | ДА | June 07, 2010 | No problem |
amazon.com | ДА | June 03, 2010 | No problems. |
amazon.com | ДА | July 30, 2011 | No problems. |
amazon.com | ДА | July 20, 2010 | Using VISA with Brazilian Address, 3 orders, No PROBLEMS. Fast Ship |
amazon.com | ДА | July 17, 2011 | No problem |
amazon.com | ДА | July 07, 2010 | works fine |
amazon.com | ДА | January 25, 2011 | Delivered on time. |
amazon.com | ДА | January 09, 2011 | Brazilian CC No problem.I buy a GPS Garmin |
amazon.com | ДА | January 07, 2011 | Just received package |
amazon.com | ДА | January 05, 2011 | No problems. Russian billing address. |
amazon.com | ДА | February 19, 2011 | Без проблем все отсылают |
amazon.com | ДА | February 02, 2011 | No problem, russian bank card. |
amazon.com | ДА | December 14, 2010 | Billing from a Vietnamese VISA card and shipping to Torrance. No problem. Thank you ! :) |
amazon.com | ДА | December 11, 2011 | No problems |
amazon.com | ДА | December 09, 2010 | The order was delivered without any problems! |
amazon.com | ДА | December 07, 2010 | Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa E-card (VTB24) |
amazon.com | ДА | August 30, 2010 | No problem |
amazon.com | ДА | August 25, 2011 | My 149 USD HP Touchpad was sent to this location without hassle, used my Swedish address as billing address. |
amazon.com | ДА | August 24, 2010 | Same day delivery |
amazon.com | ДА | August 23, 2011 | Ok |
amazon.com | ДА | August 18, 2010 | shipped |
amazon.com | ДА | April 04, 2011 | No problems with amazon.com, payment with International MasterCard issued in Brazil. Just fill billing address correctly, and fill different shipment address, your Shipito Address. |
amazon.de | НЕТ | February 28, 2012 | Amazon doesn't ship this address |
amazone.com | ДА | December 09, 2010 | Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa Classic (Sberbank) |
Animeigo.com | ДА | August 28, 2010 | No Problem - Payment via PayPal |
anntaylor.com/ | ДА | October 18, 2010 | Приняли без проблем, отправили наземной почтой - пришло за 4 дня. Не требовалось подтверждения чего-либо. |
armaniexchange | ДА | December 09, 2010 | only USA ip and card |
armaniexchange.com | ДА | June 12, 2010 | No international CC are accepted even if you do google checkout. |
armaniexchange.com | ДА | June 08, 2011 | visa usa |
Autobarn | ДА | August 02, 2011 | No problem |
autopartswarehouse.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | works fine |
babiesfirst.com | ДА | October 05, 2010 | message received: You have selected an invalid state/province and country shipping address combination, or No shipping methods were found for your shipping address destination. Please contact us for assistance! |
babymallonline.com | ДА | May 25, 2010 | kid's goods |
BackCountry | ДА | September 28, 2011 | No problems, Russian card VISA |
BackCountry | ДА | September 11, 2010 | No problem |
BackCountry | ДА | September 06, 2010 | No problems. Fast shipment! Отправили на следующий день после заказа. Дошло за двое суток самой дешёвой почтой (обещали 10-15 дней). |
BackCountry | ДА | October 13, 2010 | without any questions! |
BackCountry | ДА | November 19, 2010 | No problem. Fast shipment. Fast delivering (2 days on FREE SHIPPING). |
BackCountry | ДА | November 14, 2011 | Высылают без проблем. Очень хороший выбор по туристической одежде и аксессуарам. Рекомендую. Бесплатная отсылка идет от 50 долларов. |
BackCountry | ДА | May 24, 2010 | Ships without problems |
BackCountry | ДА | January 31, 2012 | No Problems at all. |
BackCountry | ДА | February 28, 2011 | All ok, accept russian cards, ship in 2 business days. |
BackCountry | ДА | December 26, 2010 | все ок |
BackCountry | ДА | December 04, 2010 | No problem |
backpackinglight.com | ДА | March 16, 2011 | Russian MasterCard |
baldeHQ.com | ДА | November 04, 2011 | No problem. |
banana republic | НЕТ | May 25, 2010 | pjli |
bananarepublic.gap.com | ДА | June 28, 2010 | Quality and inexpensive items. No problems with delivery. |
bargainsavenue.com | ДА | November 20, 2010 | OK Всё работает :) |
bargainsavenue.com | ДА | June 16, 2010 | NO problems for payment with foreign CC. Fast Shipping. Need Phone NO.: 310-000-0000 is enough |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | September 28, 2010 | Nook wifi |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | July 25, 2010 | It shipped to the warehouse without problems. Ordered on July 19, 2010 and delivered to the warehouse on July 24, 2010. I used the free shipping service, total cost for Nook wi-fi only was $163.53. |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | July 23, 2010 | Fast and smooth. |
barnesandnoble.com | НЕТ | July 12, 2010 | Cancelled my Nook order with a comment: "Purchases are limited to those customers physically located in the United States and Canada." |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | July 03, 2010 | When I placed an order, they've asked me to call them and asked if I were aware that I won't be able to buy e-books using Nook from outside the US. Then shipped OK. |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | July 02, 2010 | I have no problem bought the e-reader Nook WiFi. When ordering in the shop asked me to call back to clarify my order. The store to confirm that I am aware of restrictions on the use e-reader outside US. Otherwise, everything was fine. |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | January 27, 2011 | 2 раза отправлял, 1 раз не дошло, так как выбрал Air mail. |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | August 14, 2010 | same like most user who commented, order was blocked and been requested to call, but just want to verify that i understand the ebook not available outside US |
barnesandnoble.com | ДА | July 02, 2010 | I have no problem bought the e-reader Nook WiFi. When ordering in the shop asked me to call back to clarify my order. The store to confirm that I am aware of restrictions on the use e-reader outside US. Otherwise, everything was fine. |
barneys.com | НЕТ | July 14, 2011 | cancelled order. no acceptance of foreign credit cards |
barproducts.com | ДА | August 08, 2010 | ok |
bcbg.com | ДА | June 12, 2010 | Ships to Torrance, but doesn't accept foreign CC. |
beachcamera.com | ДА | May 03, 2011 | no problem, Russian Visa/MC |
bebe.com | ДА | June 07, 2010 | Works |
belk.com | НЕТ | September 02, 2011 | Need US card and US billing |
beltmaster.com | ДА | August 23, 2010 | shipped |
BestBuy.com | ДА | May 03, 2011 | no problem |
bestbuy.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | They sometimes call to verify that you want the package to be sent to that address so make sure you have your phone with you :) |
bestbuy.com | ДА | January 18, 2011 | order completed, adress accepted! |
bestbuy.com | ДА | December 31, 2010 | it's ok i recived my package |
BestBuy.com | НЕТ | December 18, 2010 | Order cancelled-Billing adress not in usa.. |
bestbuy.com | ДА | August 24, 2011 | 99 USD HP TouchPad arrived without any problems. Used the address as billing and shipping address ;-) |
bhphotovideo.com | ДА | November 07, 2010 | Two parcels, paid with Visa emmited by russian bank without any problems. |
bhphotovideo.com | ДА | June 25, 2010 | no problems |
bhphotovideo.com | ДА | July 22, 2011 | B&H PhotoVideo - no problems! |
bhphotovideo.com | ДА | January 13, 2011 | Оплатил интернет-картой Приват-банка. Запросили подтверждающие документы - отправил сканы паспорта, водительского удостоверения и принт-скрин окна системы интернетбанкинга. После этого отправили груз. |
bhphotovideo.com | ДА | December 25, 2010 | Everything is well! Payed with Master card, shipped to Torrance. |
bidz.com | ДА | October 28, 2010 | Shipped without problems |
bidz.com | ДА | August 06, 2011 | Пока отправляют. |
bikebling.com | ДА | August 23, 2010 | ok |
birdsupplynh.com | ДА | September 10, 2010 | Сами предложили для начала -отправить через shipito.com. Дошло - часть UPS Ground за 7 дней, и USPS за 2 :) Нам бы такую почту :-D |
blinds.com | ДА | November 10, 2011 | All good and fantastic cell blinds.... |
bloomingdales.com | ДА | October 31, 2010 | shipped today - accepted international card |
bloomingdales.com | НЕТ | November 25, 2010 | :-( |
bloomingdales.com | НЕТ | February 17, 2011 | do not accept Russian cards |
bloomingdales.com | НЕТ | August 23, 2011 | The billing address that you have provided does not match your credit card's billing address. You will need to contact your bank to verify this information and place a new order. |
boats.net | ДА | May 13, 2011 | no problem with orders and shipping, which paid cards with russian billing |
bonton.com | НЕТ | October 10, 2010 | Does not accept russian credit cards |
Bradford Exchange Online | ДА | May 09, 2012 | Shipping to CA, billing - Ukrainian card. no problems. |
brooksbrothers.com | ДА | August 10, 2010 | no problem, fast shipping |
burton.com | НЕТ | September 11, 2011 | Accepts only US cards |
Buy.com | НЕТ | September 04, 2011 | didnt do it because of my international credit card.. refused to send items.. |
Buy.com | ДА | January 13, 2011 | They do not sell to foreign cards, I used checkout the Amazon and the purchase was made smoothly, with Google checkout and paypal Brazilian did not work |
BuyCostumes.com | ДА | November 05, 2010 | sent without any problems) |
buydig.com | НЕТ | October 30, 2011 | cancelled (russian MasterCard) |
buysnow.com | ДА | September 20, 2010 | Использовал адрес из Шипито. Увидели, попросили внести реальный адрес. После чего, все -Ок. |
buysnow.com | ДА | December 26, 2010 | без проблем |
cabelas.com | ДА | September 28, 2011 | no problems, Russian card |
cabelas.com | НЕТ | March 29, 2011 | Отказ (анулирование заказа) со сылкой на невозможность отправки через freight fowarder товара, не предназначенного для международных пересылок. (Увидели российскую карту и американский адрес). |
cabelas.com | ДА | January 17, 2011 | no problem |
calvinklein.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | You need US billing address for your CC. If you place your order from on the website outside the US, the order will be cancelled because of the IP, so do it on the phone :)) |
Cameta Camera | НЕТ | May 12, 2012 | Even when paying through Amazon Checkout refused on the grounds that: "Unfortunately we were unable to ship to your address for security reasons. We were having too many problems with fraudulent activity in that area. Kind Regards!" (c) Cameta Camera |
campmor.com | ДА | September 11, 2010 | no problem |
campmor.com | ДА | April 25, 2012 | no problem |
Carol Wright Gifts | ДА | November 21, 2010 | They will ship to this address but if you have a foreign credit card just phone in to customer service and they will correct the billing address. They tend to use oversize boxes to pack goods ( mostly clothing) so request minimal packaging to save postage. |
Carole Wright Gifts | ДА | October 22, 2010 | Online department store will accept Canadian credit cards by phone order and sent order to Shipito |
carpartswholesale.com | ДА | September 14, 2011 | Provided russian bank's card with american address (shipito) and everything is ok |
carsons.com | ДА | October 10, 2010 | Does not accept russian credit cards |
carters.com | ДА | September 17, 2010 | потребовали проверки билинг адреса, на что я им послал скан заграна и пластиковой карты |
carters.com | ДА | October 10, 2011 | no probs |
carters.com | ДА | October 10, 2011 | no probs |
Carters.com | ДА | July 16, 2011 | no problem |
carters.com | ДА | December 11, 2011 | no problems |
ccs.com | ДА | December 06, 2010 | no problem |
chanel.com | НЕТ | October 19, 2010 | Отказались принимать заказ, но деньги заблокировали. |
Cheap Cycle Parts | ДА | August 25, 2010 | ok |
childrenplace.com | ДА | January 06, 2012 | no problem |
childrensplace | ДА | December 09, 2010 | no problems with cards, ip and address |
childrensplace.com | ДА | March 01, 2011 | All ok |
childrensplace.com | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
childrensplace.com | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
childrensplace.com | НЕТ | August 01, 2010 | Order was cancelled |
christianlouboutin.com | НЕТ | February 24, 2011 | Will not ship to forwarders |
circuitcity.com | ДА | February 18, 2011 | I had no problem. I guess everything went fine because Paypal has my name and is verified. |
circuitcity.com | ДА | August 31, 2010 | Пылесос) |
cku.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | You need US billing address for your CC. If you place your order from on the website outside the US, the order will be cancelled because of the IP, so do it on the phone :)) |
columbia.com | НЕТ | October 30, 2010 | Не принимают к оплате международные карты неамериканского происхождения! |
columbia.com | НЕТ | November 07, 2010 | Do not accept payment from non USA payment card and not USA paypal accounts |
complyfoam.com | ДА | January 31, 2011 | no problems at all with non-US card |
compusa | НЕТ | June 13, 2011 | I had a first order shipped last month. Today (June 13), my new order was put on hold. When I called, they say they don't ship to SHIPITO !!! |
converse.com | НЕТ | October 15, 2010 | Didnt accept international cc a cant ship to the shipito. |
Converse.com | ДА | October 01, 2010 | Works |
converse.com | НЕТ | March 31, 2011 | Магазин выдвигает следующие требования к оплате картой 1. The credit/bank card (no prepaid Visa, AMEX or MasterCard) used to pay for the shoes is issued on a bank or credit card company located in the US 2. The billing address associated with the credit card is located in the US 3. The merchandise is being shipped to the billing address located in the US Буду пытаться осуществить покупку через шопинг асистенс. |
converse.com | ДА | June 10, 2010 | works |
converse.com | ДА | August 28, 2010 | no problem |
converse.com | ДА | August 19, 2010 | Usually ships the same day. |
cormialeatherslippers.com | ДА | January 31, 2011 | no problem at all with non-US card |
cost central | НЕТ | November 01, 2011 | no non-usa credit cards |
Costco.com | НЕТ | July 02, 2010 | Doesn't ship to freight forwarders |
costsell.com | ДА | October 02, 2010 | warehouse in Long Beach CA |
cozyboots.com | НЕТ | March 10, 2012 | We are unable to ship to forwarding companies. Order cancelled. |
cpap.com | ДА | November 19, 2010 | no problem |
crazy8.com | ДА | October 18, 2011 | no problems with shipping |
crazy8.com | ДА | May 20, 2011 | no problem. Accepted a card with Russian billing. |
crazy8.com | ДА | March 07, 2011 | no problems |
crazy8.com | ДА | June 28, 2011 | no problem with cards or address. Put shipito address as billing address |
crazy8.com | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
crispdeals.com | ДА | September 04, 2011 | accepted the shipping address hapily.. they support forwarding companies like shipito.com.. they asked me on the phone that is it a forwarding address and i said yes and they said ok no problem.. ;) used an iinternation credit card but torrance address as billing.. |
crispdeals.com | ДА | October 22, 2010 | Accept Paypal, very good prices on electronics |
crocs.com | ДА | December 12, 2010 | no problems |
crucial.com | ДА | July 15, 2011 | no probs |
ctshirts.co.uk | ДА | June 28, 2010 | Good English shop shirts, suits and other things. Sent to Shipito without problems. Thus, you save on shipping in Russia. |
customaquatics.com | ДА | July 24, 2010 | Shipped with no problem. They recognized that i'm a foreign customer, and instead of accepting my card, emailed and asked me to pay with PayPal. Very positive! |
datavis.com | ДА | December 06, 2010 | Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa E-card (VTB24) |
davidz.com | ДА | November 19, 2010 | required ID to authorize international credit card, shipped quickly after I sent scanned copies by email. |
davisbigandtall.com | ДА | March 01, 2011 | no problems |
dcshoes.com | ДА | May 24, 2011 | no problem. Accepted a PayPal account with Brazilian billing. |
Dcshoes.com | ДА | February 18, 2011 | Dcshoes.com |
dell.us | НЕТ | December 11, 2010 | do not accept paypal from france |
dell.us | НЕТ | August 22, 2010 | does not accept payment fron non us paypal |
demonsnow.com | ДА | September 11, 2010 | no problems with shipping, just doesn't accept international credit cards, but you can write shipito address as billing address and comment it :) |
denimexpress.com | ДА | December 04, 2010 | Paused order due to international card and asked for card scan/billing statement. After sending one - order processed and all is OK |
designbyhumans.com | ДА | August 23, 2010 | shipped |
dhstyles.com | ДА | August 23, 2010 | ok |
Diapers.com | ДА | October 20, 2010 | ok |
diesel.com | ДА | April 09, 2011 | no problem |
dillards.com | ДА | June 09, 2010 | If you have a CC that is issued outside the US but you managed to put a US billing address on file with your bank IT WILL NOT WORK..you really need a US issued CC...so is better to use "assisted purcahses". |
directron.net | ДА | October 24, 2010 | Very good prices on computers and accessories. They say they don't accept international cards, but last year I was able to successfully complete an order using Paypal. Highly recommended for those who don't want to spend on consolidation. Everything will be sent in the same package. |
disneystore.com/ | ДА | June 01, 2010 | ok |
Dogfunk | ДА | November 23, 2010 | Very fast to France ! |
dogfunk.com | ДА | September 11, 2010 | no problem |
dogfunk.com | ДА | October 13, 2010 | Without any questions. Store is part of Backountry.com |
dogfunk.com | ДА | December 26, 2010 | без проблем |
dogfunk.com | ДА | December 06, 2011 | Very fast shipping ! ;-) |
drJays.com | ДА | September 09, 2010 | Всё ок |
DrJays.com | ДА | August 12, 2011 | no problems |
Drugstore.com | ДА | July 03, 2010 | no problem! |
drugstore.com | ДА | February 10, 2011 | everthing ok |
E-bay | ДА | June 28, 2010 | If you have a high rating, an shipped in most cases without any problems. |
eastbay.com | НЕТ | November 22, 2011 | Ровно такая же ситуация как и footlocker.com Если оплатите картой, выпущенной в РФ деньги спишут, заказ примут, а потом напишут что с данными картами не работают. Деньги надо будет разблокировать. PayPal тоже не помошник, т.к. при чекауте с помощью PayPal в магазине подставляется адрес, который указан при регистрации в PayPal (российский). В общем, только покупка через посредника. |
eastbay.com | ДА | May 27, 2011 | пришлось подтверждать личность. |
eastbay.com | НЕТ | March 13, 2011 | Billing&Shipping Shpt. Decilined order. RU card |
eastbay.com | ДА | February 28, 2011 | no problems. Good value sporting clothes/products. |
Eastern Mountain Sports | ДА | November 10, 2010 | accepted paypal, shipped without a problem |
ebags.com | ДА | May 14, 2011 | no problem |
ebags.com | ДА | March 01, 2011 | All ok |
См. также Полный вариант таблицы (включая магазины на E-Z), не поместившийся в данный пост из-за ограничений ЖЖ.
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