athunder (athunder) wrote,

Amazon (Audible) бесплатно раздаёт аудиокнигу The Genius Dialogues

Amazon (Audible) бесплатно раздаёт аудиокнигу The Genius Dialogues.

Amazon (Audible) бесплатно раздаёт аудиокнигу The Genius Dialogues

Аудиокниги Audible содержат DRM защиту, так что могут быть проиграны только на ограниченном количестве устройств (если только не снять защиту, в том числе при помощи ускоренной перезаписи с помощью аудиокарты и специализированного программного обеспечения).

[Interview Series] Free for a limited time. MacArthur Genius Grant winners share their stories and ideas with Peabody award-winning host, Bob Garfield.

Episode 1: What natural ingredients are your birth control pill or your antidepressant made of? And what happens when Mother Nature can't keep up with the demand? Enter chemist Phil Baran, the Sultan of Synthesis.

Episode 2: The creator and host of Radiolab - one of the most popular and innovative shows today - thought he'd grow up to be a music composer. He utterly failed...or, at least, he thought he did.

Episode 3: Luis von Ahn hates to waste time. After building ReCaptcha, which he sold to Google, he moved on to build the wildly popular language-learning app, Duolingo.

Episode 4: What is the dance equivalent of poetry's iambic pentameter? Listen to Elizabeth Streb explore the sweet science of action with her performers, who dodge steel i-beams and smash into plexiglass walls.

Episode 5: She joined picket lines as a child and now writes for the New Yorker, investigating injustices you didn't know existed. Millennial Sarah Stillman is keeping the 4th estate alive and well.

Episode 6: If you were a world famous magician, what might drive you to publicly debunk some of your fellow performers as charlatans and frauds? Hear the Amazing James Randi discuss his work and his arch nemesis, Uri Geller.

Episode 7: Will Allen has been a pro basketball player, the manager of a restaurant chain, and an excellent paper-goods salesmen. Today, he believes many of our nation's woes begin with food issues. Allen is working towards change, one square foot of downtown Milwaukee farmland at a time.

Episode 8: Some might call her a humanitarian MacGyver: Amy B. Smith has invented better ways for farmers worldwide to sift flour, shuck corn, and cook with cleaner fuels.

Episode 9: A Cuban-American sculptor and artist, Pardo uses lamps as his sketchpad to play along the boundaries of the very definition of art.

Episode 10: Manu Prakash sees beauty and inspiration in a bug's eyes, a Boston T stop, and even a parasite lodged in his own foot. He's developing pencil-like microscopes to share that wonder with the world.

Episode 11: Carl Haber developed particle collider technology to uncover the origins of the universe, along the way figuring out how to revive decaying audio recordings.

Episode 12: A beat newspaper reporter at heart, Simon has managed to spin societal crises into critically revered TV series, time and time again.
Tags: бесплатно

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